100% satisfaction guaranteed

200% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Hire us, find out why our clients love us!

Did you know that your local Avondale Honest Maids offer green and natural home cleaning services in North Phoenix and Scottsdale as well? Well, now you do. :)

82% of our happiest clients considered themselves great at cleaning their own home.

Communication is key when cleaning houses, if we happen to miss something let us know by calling us or stopping by our local shop, well make things right.


Please don’t hesitate to call our friendly staff to discuss anything about our service 602-500-2285. Our Arizona climate is dry and dusty, most of which ends up inside your house. You will be surprise just how much get out of seemingly very clean homes. Better call sooner than later.

Due to our passionate team, we enjoy the patronage of some of the most wonderful customers around! Be part of our family, give us a chance! You won’t be disappointed.

We have a combined experience of 15 years cleaning valley homes, apartments, and in the past 2 years more and more Airbnb rental spaces.

We want your continued business, every clean is guaranteed and your happiness is our top priority – We are here to stay.
Here are just some of the reasons the Avondale home cleaner Honest Maids of Central Phoenix and the West Valley, AZ provides amazingly great clean:

Did you know that almost 83% of all our clients refer us to their friends and family! That’s a better ratio than most other local companies… Affordable local natural home cleaning in Phoenix from the most reliable and affordable home cleaners. 

Call or Text us today at 602-500-2285You won’t be disappointed.

Local First Arizona


Book any size home cleaning for only $49.00 Today!! Amazingly affordable.

Hire our residential green cleaning service for green and natural cleaning services. Our Maids clean for move in and move out, new apartments, routine cleaning services, airbnb homes and more! Call us 602-500-2285.

We are Arizona’s most trusted brand for housekeeping, baby and pet safe natural home cleaning services.