Christina’s {a wife’s, working mom’s, family cook’s} busy day

Christina’s {a wife’s, working mom’s, family cook’s} busy day

Team-Member-2Early, fun, hectic, happy and sometimes magical!

As a full-time worker, wife, mother to two children (ages 5 and 7) and, as my husband will tell you, someone who likes to “do it all, and do it right” every day is a constant juggle and quest to create more time out of less and less available time. I have a regular job like any other person. Here is my day:

Wake-up: I’m an early bird—so I try to seize “Christina’s time” first thing in the morning (on weekends mostly). I get up between 4:30-5:30am and quickly scan my email, brush my teeth and get the kids’ stuff ready. No time to do the bed.

Breakfast: Super quick, something simple. No time to pick up and clean the kitchen.

School Run: You know how it is. Hectic in the morning and hectic in the evening.

Work Day: Well, you know that is too. Mostly blah.

Family Time: 6-7:30pm is family time, as many nights of the week as I can make it. When I get home I try to have something in mind for dinner, prepare it quickly so we can get to homework. Hubby helps me clean the kitchen sometimes, but often times there are other things that go neglected so is always a balancing act – what to clean and when to clean it.

(Sometimes the kitchen stays dirty until the weekend when we have more time to actually clean good and give it a fresh start for the following week)

Bed: By 9:00, that’s the goal anyway. But because we have so little time after work for family, homework, dinner, and clean up and then showers and prepping for bed we often lay down around 10:00 or 10:30! Only to wake up again at around 5am.

Weekends: We use about half a day to clean the entire house and wash our clothes. I do it mostly myself. Sometimes the house is so dirty I split the cleaning into Saturday and Sunday. I’m tired.


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